Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Am I writing material?

I cannot believe that there are actually 2 people on Earth who think I am talented enough to write. Well, the only problem is that I haven't written anything since High school English composition (which they haven't actually seen). So, what could this opinion be based on? Talent evaluation is an art indeed and the aforementioned two are ill-qualified at it.

When do you decide someone is talented in a particular area? In my case, my Father-in-law wants me to write, completely based on my opinions on things and possession of a small degree of command of the English language. Is this justifiable? Does having an opinion - albeit strong - necessarily imply writing talent? I think not. Having an idea is one thing, and efficiently putting it down on paper is completely another. But one thing has been proven. A little encouragement can be a dangerous thing: I now want to write.

So, if I have something to say and want to put it down on paper, what should I do to do it well? Read about writing? But wouldn't that change how I write? Am I supposed to have my own style or shape my style based on others? I am caught between the horns of a dilemma; one faced by every single aspiring writer.

As a reader, I do have my own opinions of what constitutes good and bad writing, and I will write true to that opinion. For instance, I hate reading long, wordy, confusing sentences that will get an average reader nuts. I am not writing for the MENSA crowd; rather, I am writing for the average person who I want to reach. "The Portrait of a Lady" by Henry James comes to mind as one style that I will never ever follow.

Writing this blog is my way of taking the plunge. I think the secret is to write anyway, and have people critique it at different points in the game. My wife has started a blog for the express purpose of helping me along in this process. Three cheers to her for this :D

I joined the writingindia mailing list - which required writing a bio to get in :P - which will help me learn by doing exercises and watching the purveyors of the art showcase their wisdom. It seems to be full of people who have had their work published. Enough credentials to fill a room.

1 comment:

Ardra said...

I came by from Raji's site...
I was once told that when one writes anything other than a personal journal, one has to go about it more as a craft than therapy...that it was not about revelation but exploration...that it has to satisfy the author and entertain the reader...and hence when one attempts to present a piece for public reading, one has to keep in mind the purpose, the main point, and how to weave details in an interesting manner around the main point...
Well, all these were suggestions given to me by a well meaning is another matter that I have been unable to go by them when I write...
For me, the expression of thoughts/feelings are not has to come forth unbidden or not at all...of course, I do try to embellish it when I do a re reading...but that is about it...
was reminded about these suggestions when I read your post...and since I wanted to comment here, thought of borrowing the concept...

And while I am not qualified enough to comment on the technical finesse of your writing, one thing I can surely say...I enjoyed reading yours and Raji's posts and shall keep coming back for more...

and what is the writing india mailing list about?

Best Regards